Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A big day

Wednesday (April 7 10) is a big day for me.. today there are 3 big event that i must done whether i like it or not.

BIG event for today

#1 EP test (8.30 p.m)
#2 Micro-C Viva (4.00 p.m)
#3 Lab test IC layout (8.00 a.m)

>>I give EP as #1 becoz i havn't prepare anything. i didn't read or revise anything of this subject. Additionally, there was nothing about topic that going to ask in test today...
>>Viva micro-c i had done a few preparation and doing some report. But yesterday i got problem with micro-c theory test. the best word can describe test today is FAIL.
>>Lab test IC layout is the only subject that i had done some preparation. its makes me cool down for a while.

PITY me....... sigh... hmmmm

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Inspirational quote

>>"There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflect it"
~Edith warthon~

>>"Ship in harbour are safe, but that's not what ships are built for"
~John shedd~

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Final Exam....

dengupan jantung dah mula laju dah neh.. sume pasal dek final exam yang nk melawat kami lagi 2 minggu.. huhuhuhu... ditambahkan pulak dlm 2 minggu sblm lawat si final tu.. mini project, test.. fuh bak air jatuh tangki air pecah, hahahaha... Emm.. cite pasal si pak cik final nie dia dah la nk dtg lg dua minggu tp saya still x tgk tarikh bila dia nk dtg.. Arghhh.. brapa lma la pulak dia nk melawat saya nieh.. Emm.. nie bukan sbb xdbgtau, tp xambik tau.. nie la masalh org pemalas mcm saya... anyways.. aku harap sume insan kat dunia nie yg bakal berjumpa ngan Datuk/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Encik/Cik final berjaya ek... tata... no post for next week..